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Hematologic and Reproductive Systems

          4     5                          
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5 is the development of red blood cells
6 Blood cell production, termed___ is constantly ongoing, occurring in the liver and spleen of the fetus and only in bone marrow after birth
7 ____is a comma-shaped structure that curves over the posterior portion of each testis
8 ____, the oxygen-carrying protein of the erythrocyte, constitues approximately 90% of the Cell's dry weight
9 They are formed in the bone marrow by gragmentation of very large (40 to 10Mm in diabeter) cells known as ____________
10 Inhabits activin and boosts inhibin activity
1 a polpeptide syntesized and secretd from the pituitary, helps maintain biosynthesis of testosterone
2 Breast development or _____is usually the first sign of puberty in the female
3 near the end of the luteal phase, leukocytes invade vaginal epithelium, remvoing the outer layers in a process termed
4 is a large, flat, iron-protoporphyrin disk like, is synthesized in the mitochondria and can carry one molecuel of oxygen 902
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