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5 Type of blood specimen used for platelet morphology
6 Break-up or ruptured RBCs (surrounded membrane) can produced red colored plasma
10 Term used for reduced white blood cells
11 Main function is to carry Oxygen to the cells of the body
12 Granules contain histamine, heparin, and peroxidase
14 Also referred as 'Hemiglobin'
15 An apparatus used which is capable of producing centrifugal fluid of 10,000g
17 'Blood Cell Production'
18 Play a role in immune and inflammatory response
19 Used in Westergren ESR
20 It is formed by the action of some drugs & chemicals such as sulfonamide
22 Found in lavender top evacuated tubes
27 Young RBC which is slightly larger or same size with mature RBC with fine basophilic reticulum or network of RNA
29 Blood component with a light yellow or straw color
30 The concentration is the same in the diluent solution as it is inside the RBC
1 Also known as 'white blood cells'
2 The diluent is less concentrated than the inside of the RBC, causing the cell to swell & eventually to rupture or hemolyze
3 Also known as 'thrombocytes'
4 Major form found during intrauterine life & at birth
7 Average hemoglobin concentration in a given volume of packed red cells
8 Found in green top evacuated tubes
9 Other term for Hemiglobincyanide
13 Represents volume or size of the average RBC
16 Used to estimate red and white cell counts
21 Fight bacterial infection, destroy & eliminates by means of excretory system
23 Grayish white cellular layer composed of wbc & platelets
24 A state of equilibrium
25 - If the solution outside the RBC is more concentrated than that inside it, usually will shrink from loss of liquid & will become crenated
26 Also known as 'packed cell volume'
28 Active in allergic reactions & parasitic invasion of the tissues
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