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Blood Cells and Clinical Applications

                              2   3       4                          
                                                6   7                
10   11             12                                                  
15       16                                           17                
      21                         22                                    
                            23         24                              
                  25   26                   27                          
Across Down
4 one of the important process in testing the specimen : Collection, ____, Transportation, Handling, Analysis.
7 an anticoagulant that remove ionized Ca through the process of chelation
8 one clinical application of hematology coupled with Hemostasis
9 stain for blood films
12 many colors due to RNA wthin the cell
13 Break-up or ruptured RBCs
14 blood cell production
15 main function is to carry oxygen to the cells of the body
17 rate of locomotion of Basophils
18 precursor of platelets
20 formed by the action of some drugs and chemicals such as sulfonamide
21 methemoglobin is also referred as this name
25 the action of heparin
28 lymphocytes arise in bone marrow
1 when monocytes move into the body tissues, they are transformed into these kind and remain there for months
2 exist in peripheral blood for about 10hrs after release from bone marrow
3 packed cell volume
5 the top distinct layer of a preserved blood specimen
6 capability of eosinophils
7 exist in the peripheral blood for less than 8hrs after release from marrow
8 has a much greater affinity for Carbon Monoxide than for Oxygen
10 they are not cells with no nucleus.
11 grayish white cellular layer composed of wbc and platelets
16 iron component of red cell
19 cells swell and eventually rupture in this solution
22 secreted by monocytes
23 specific types are neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
24 after phagocytic activity, they remain in peripheral blood for 1-3 days.
26 lymphocytes arise in th thymus
27 shape of erythrocytes
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