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Hepatobiliary System Crossword Puzzle

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Hepatobiliary System

                              1       2        
              6                           7   8
            9                       10          
Across Down
3 musty, sweet breath of hepatitis patients
4 contributing cause of cirrhosis
5 uncongegated and congegated
6 unable to synthesize prothrombin,fibrinogen and vitamin k creates a
9 bile duct, portal vein, hepatic artery
11 over half of the liver can be destroyed and it will
12 abnormal results is an indication of liver disease
13 diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome can cause
14 type of hepatitis that is the most common cause of liver cancer in the world
15 chronic disease of the liver that results in irreversible damage and loss of liver function
1 urine of this color is a sign of biliary obstruction
2 the second largest organ in the body
3 another name for liver failure
7 yellow skin and sclera
8 retrograde pressure in the stomach and esophagus causes
10 fluid accumulation in the abdomen from decreased albumin and osmotic pressure
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