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Historical, Scientific, & Technical Texts Crossword Puzzle
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Historical, Scientific, & Technical Texts

    8                             9      
  13                       14              
  15             16     17                  
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5 someone writes about their own life and experience
6 words that are used in school discussions and textbooks
7 gives factual information about a topic
8 describes things in terms of where they are and uses location words
11 writing about people and events from the past
12 explains a scientific topic such as the life cycle of a frog
13 written about someone's life and experience
15 an image that helps you visualize what you are reading
18 records specific events that happen over a period of time
1 how information is organized in a text
2 communicates information between people
3 tells about the daily activities of the person writing it
4 words that are specific to a topic
9 this is a synonym for proof
10 displays the location of things or places
14 the intention; to persuade, to inform, or to entertain
15 an alphabetical list of terms and their definitions in a specific book
16 shows the sequence of steps in a process or how things relate to one another
17 provides detailed information about a specific topic or how to perform a specific task
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