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Historical Sources

          2                         3                
                  7           8                      
        9             10               11              
                  12         13                        
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4 Bones and other remains that have been preserved in rock.
6 The scientific study of ancient cultures through the examination of artifacts and other evidence.
7 a community's cultural and historical background, passed down in spoken stories and songs.
9 A length of time singled out because of a specific event or development that happened during that time.
12 A scientist who studies the objects he finds to learn more about the past.
15 A list of events in order of which they occured.
17 The study of humankind in all aspects, especially development and culture.
18 Information that comes directly from a person who experienced the event.
19 The time before recorded history.
20 The period of time designated as the 'common era'.
1 People who study events in the past.
2 Events that happened in the past.
3 An object made by a human being, such as a tool or weapon.
5 Information about an event that does not come from a person who experienced that event.
8 The time designated as 'anno domini'.
10 The time 'before common era'.
11 Unfair preference or dislike of something.
13 Another word for a period.
14 The period of time that was 'before Christ'.
16 A line marked off with events and dates.
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