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            1         2       3   4        
      9       10                            
12                                 13        
          15                   16            
                    23           24          
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1 The English thought the Irish were __________
3 Europeans brought ________ to the Americas which were native of Europe
5 The _______ were the most formidable rivals the the English
6 In which country was Christopher Columbus born
7 The most advanced African societies came from an area south of the sahara desert called________
8 The __________ model said that the English should separate themselves from the natives
10 To keep wealth at home as much as possible while extracting wealth from foreign lands
12 Who were the first to truly begin exploring
14 What became the first permanent European settlement in America
15 The ___________ ideas were looked upon as radical
17 Many Spanish went to the New World to spread ____________
18 People began living together in small ________ tribes
20 Due to land owners converting their land from growing crops to raising sheep for wool caused many land workers to be __________
21 The greatest of all Mali cities was __________
22 In 1608 the colony of ________ was founded by the Spanish in present day New Mexico
23 ________ recruited his cousin to led a group of men to Roanoke and set up a colony
25 People who lived in the arctic circle who hunted seal, whale, and fish
2 _________ diseases affected native populations severely
4 _______ was important in Native American culture
8 The Doctrine of _____________ stated that your fate after you died was already determined
9 The ________ were a warrior culture
11 Led a military expedition through Mexico against mainly the Aztecs
13 The _____ created a powerful empire of apron. 6 million in South America
16 John______ led the second expedition to colonize Roanoke and ultimately failed
19 New _________ was founded on Manhattan Island by the Dutch
24 The ________ river was named after Henry ________
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