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            1   2                                
                                    9         10  
                11                       12        
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1 A feeling of intense pride of one's homeland.
3 The alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
5 Not taking sides.
6 Information designed to influence opinion.
7 Gardens planted by citizens in which they raised their own vegetables.
8 Fear of Communism
11 The idea that the people who belong to a nation should have their own country and government.
13 The British passenger liner that was sunk by Germany.
14 Agreements among nations to protect each other.
15 Met the foreign policy goals of Germany and promised to warn ships before sinking them.
2 Stripped Germany of their armed forces.
4 German submarines.
9 The first agency that coordinated the production of war materials.
10 Created by President Wilson.
12 Those fighting for the Triple Entente.
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