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                9                                     10
18                         19                            
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4 First institution of higher learning in America
7 American petriot became a traitor and helped the British in the War for Independence
8 Helped Paul Revere spread the word of the British advancement
9 Explorer that discovered Florida
11 Published Poor Richard's Almanac
12 Name given to the President's advisers
13 Reconcile the colonies with the king
14 Measure barred colonial settlement in all lands west of the Appalachian Mountains
15 Closed the port of Boston to commerce
16 Four words President Washington said to end his oath of office
18 First permanent European settlement in the United States
20 Nailed the 95 Theses on the church door at Witttenburg Germany sparking the Protestant Reformation
1 Great patriot declared ' Give me Liberty, or give me death'
2 Said 'I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country'
3 City in colonial America served as the meeting place for the First and Second Continental Congress
5 Control the power of each of the three branches of government
6 First permanent English settlement in North America
10 Led the Green Mountain Boys to capture Fort Ticonderoga
17 Served as Vice President under George Washington
19 Act of Parliament levied a tax on all legal documents in the colonies
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