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History Timeline

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2 Where did the First Continental Congress meet in 1774?
4 Who warned the colonists that the British were coming in 1775?
5 In 1607, English settlers founded this place.
6 Who gave a speech titled 'Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death?' in 1775?
8 In 1776, the Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of what?
9 In what town did colonists have a 'Tea Party' in 1773?
10 In 1682, who claims the Mississippi River region for France?
12 In 1797, George Washington returns home to where?
1 Who becomes the first president of the United States in 1789?
2 Lewis and Clark reach what ocean in 1805?
3 Who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630?
7 Who was the first state to ratify the constitution in 1787?
11 What treaty ends the French and Indian War in 1763?
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