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3 A war fought between 1939 and 1945 where the Axis was defeated by the Allies.
4 Jews and other victims were brought here to be killed as part of Hitler's Final Solution
6 extermination of about six million European Jews and millions of others by the Nazis between 1933-1945.
7 Nazi party leader
8 The plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe
10 The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, cultural, or religious group.
11 Large chambers, built and used in Nazi death camps.
12 A judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known
1 eg. United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, joined in the war against Germany and other Axis countries
2 Prisons used without regard to accepted norms of arrest and detention
5 surrounded by barbed wire or brick walls from which Jews could not exit without authorization
9 Members of the facist National Socialist German Workers Party, founded in 1919, and empowered by Adolf Hitler
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