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Holocaust Crossword Puzzle

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            1         2                          
          10                           11          
        12                       13                
                        15             16          
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4 A Prayer for the dead
5 Ovens built in concentration camps
6 The cover name for the plan to kill all Jews
8 Six major camps designed and built for the of purpose of killing Jews
9 Where Jews and other victims were brought to be killed as part of Hitler's Final Solution
10 Discrimination against Jews
12 Language spoken by many Jews
14 One of the first major concentration camps
16 The nations fighting Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during World War II
17 Large sealed rooms, that many people beleived were going in to take a shower
18 This group had a long history of in most of Western and Eastern Europe because of its beliefs and lifestyle
1 Nazi dictator of Germany
2 A section of a city where Jews were forced to live
3 Concentration camp opened for women in 1939
5 Camps in which Jews were imprisoned by the Nazis
7 A roll call of prisoners that were a daily feature of camp life
11 A Term used to describe the torture and murder of approximately six million European Jews
13 A member of the national socialist German workers party
15 People that are in the Jewish community or followers of the Jewish religion or culture
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