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              M E N S T R U A L C Y C L E
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              H O M E O S T S I S        
              F I G H T O R F L I G H T  
          T Y P E D I A B E T E S        
                A D R E N A L G L A N D  
O E S T R O G E N                        
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3 A monthly cycle involving a woman's reproductive organs
5 A process for controlling the internal environment of the body at stable levels
6 This is a response to a stimulus, preparing the body for sudden action
7 This is when the pancreas does not produce insulin. It can be controlled by injecting insulin
8 This is a type of gland in the kidney that produces the hormone adrenalin
9 The ovaries produce this hormone
1 This is part of the female reproductive system that releases egg cells and the hormones progesterone and oestrogen
2 The pancreas releases this hormone to decrease the bllod glucose concentration
4 An organ that makes and releases hormones into the blood
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