WhenWe Crossword Puzzles

How WE See Things Crossword Puzzle

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How We See Things

6     7           8                
                  10             11  
            14 15                    
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5 These help you cry. They also wash your eye if grit or dust gets in it.
6 The hole in our eyes.
8 The clear skin that protects the eye.
9 This is the 'human computer' that helps you turn the information from your eye into pictures..
10 These help to keep dust and flying objects out of your eye.
12 If you walk from a dark room into a very bright one, your pupils become _________.
14 Some people use these to help them see more clearly.
1 The part of your eye that collects the light.
2 If your eye gets damaged you may become _______.
3 In order to see things close up, your lens gets squashed to make it __________.
4 These carry the information from your retina to your brain.
7 The muscle in your eye that opens and closes your pupil.
11 What we use to see things.
13 This part of the eye helps you to focus on things up close and far away.
15 In order to see things, ________ must enter our eyes.
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