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Huck Crossword Puzzle

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1 Why doesn't Huck turn Jim in?
4 How old is Huck?
5 Which animal does Huck use to fake his death?
7 The judge.
11 Who was called a cry-baby?
12 Does Huck miss living in civilization?
14 Where do Huck, Jim, and Tom live in the novel's opening?
15 With whom was Huck living at the beginning of the book
16 When does Tom get shot?
17 On which river did Huck and Thong travel on?
19 Jim's position in the household.
20 What does the witch pie contain inside?
23 When a body is found in the river, who do people think it is?
24 At the end who tells the others that Jim is a free man?
25 'The Adventures of Huck ___'
27 Who takes care of Huck and Tom's money?
2 Who is Tom Sawyer's aunt?
3 How does Huck know that pap has returned?
6 Which Wilks sister is initially suspicious of Huck?
8 Who is the narrator of the book?
9 Who is Ms. Watson's slave?
10 What did Pap want to buy with Huck's money?
11 What doesn't Huck like?
13 Besides Jim, who's Huck's friend?
18 Huck's father.
21 The destination of Jim when he and Huck started downriver.
22 Huck's attitude toward his father.
26 Where does Tom get shot?
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