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Human Geo Religion Crossword Puzzle

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Human Geo Religion

            4                               5      
        6                               7          
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2 Religious fundamentalism carried to the point of violence
3 Boundaries between the worlds major faiths
4 Boundaries within a major faith
6 Segregation of people based on ancestry and occupation
9 Place or space people infuse with religious meaning
10 Belief in one supreme god
11 deliberate mass murders of groups of people
12 Belief in multiple gods
14 Voluntary travel to see a sacred site or pay respects
1 Tower attatched to Muslim mosque
2 Movements whose goals are to return foundation of faith and system of law
5 system of beliefs or practices that attempts to order life in terms of culturally perceived ultimate priorities
7 System of Islamic law
8 Term describing forceful or voluntary dispersal of a people from their homeland to a new place.
13 muslim Pilgrimmage to Mecca
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