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Hydraulic Cycle Crossword Puzzle

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Hydraulic Cycle

      12           13   14                  
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2 the start of a river
4 what is the first stage of a river
6 when water runs of a impermeable surface.
7 what is the middle stage.
8 when the clouds get so heavy they can not carry anything.
9 When the sun heats up the water and it rises as water vapor.
10 when water goes into the through the ground.
11 This is when small pebbles jump up and down since they are not light enough to be suspended.
12 When water vapor cool in the atmosphere and becomes clouds
1 the lowest stage in a river
3 the end of river were it meets the sea
5 A object that water can go through.
6 when the sun heats up sea this is _______.
13 When small pebbles are suspended at the surface of the river
14 When big boulders roll on the river bed.
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