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Hydrology Crossword Puzzle

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                      3   4                
    5             6                        
                  12         13   14          
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6 the process that changes water to a gas
7 the slow movement of water through pores form the gound
8 the process in which plants absorb water through their roots
9 continuous process by which water moves from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere
10 a smooth, nearly flat region of the deep ocean floor
11 water that is transported inot the ground
12 the process that changes the state of water by turning it form water to a gas
1 the process in which rain, hail,or snow falls from the sky
2 the scientific study of water on and in earth
3 a large stream of moving water that flows on the ocean floor
4 water thats under gound that can be used for wells
5 the daily rise and fall of Earth's water on shores
6 an incline leading down from the edge of the coninteal self
13 a large stream
14 a deep canyon in the ocean floor
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