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I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings Crossword Puzzle

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I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

2         3       4                    
6     7                                
                              10   11   12
                  13     14              
    15       16                          
Across Down
3 Grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing.
5 An elevated platform, lectern, or stand used in preaching or conducting a religious service.
6 A tall piece of furniture typically having drawers on one side and space for hanging clothes on the other.
8 Of imposing height. Elevated in character; exalted. Affecting grandness; pompous. Arrogant; haughty.
9 A person having one-quarter Black ancestry.
13 Arising from impulse; spontaneous and unthinking
15 Sulfur; Damnation to hell; this word figuratively denotes destruction or punishment.
17 A poisonous snake.
1 A large room or hall for receptions, public entertainment, or exhibitions
2 A protestant layperson who assists the minister in various functions.
4 A name, title, or designation
7 Unyielding; stern.
10 A person whose ancestry is one-eighth Black.
11 one who breaks or disregards (a law or promise, for example). One who does harm to (property or qualities considered sacred); one who desecrates or defiles
12 To recollect and tell of past experiences or events
14 Extremely painful
15 to be deep in thought; meditate. To focus the attention on a subject persistently and moodily; worry.
16 To twist about in a wriggling, snakelike motion; writhe. To feel or exhibit signs of humiliation or embarrassment
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