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Ideas and Innovations

T E L E P H O N E     E              
              U       R              
              C A R   N              
              L       E              
              E L E C T R I C I T Y  
            P R I N T I N G P R E S S
            A E R O P L A N E        
          L I G H T B U L B          
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2 This was invented by a Scottish man living in the USA in 1876.
4 Karl Benz is credited with developing the first recognizable one of these in 1886.
5 A naturally occuring phenomenon which was first noted by the ancient Greeks
6 This was invented in Germany around 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
7 Two American brothers are credited with designing the first operational one of these in 1903.
8 Thomas Edison is credited with designing this in 1879.
1 This was initially invented in the late 1960s in California, but was not massively used until the 1990s.
3 This was first discovered in the 1930s with the first operational plant coming in the 1950s.
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