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Identity IN The Handmaids Tale Crossword Puzzle

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Identity in The Handmaids Tale

You may use the book for reference.

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                  9                               10  
          11                     12       13            
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1 Citizens are dehumanized by assigning _________ to everyone. Hint: pg 21
2 Illiteracy and oppression of women is enforced by taking away written signs as shown with the shop _________.
3 Which group of lower-class women could possibly keep their identity more than the other groups?
4 Offred loses part of her identity when her ________ is taken from her.
6 A society characterized by human misery.
11 What is the name of the professor who reveals the much wanted identity of several characters and information on the city of Gilead itself?
14 Offred loses part of her identity when she loses memories and time because she was _________. Hint: one of the Night sections.
15 Which group wears red dresses and are viewed as 'two-legged wombs'? pg 136
16 What is Offred talking about in this quote? 'No wonder we can't come in here. It's an oasis of the forbidden. I try not to stare.' Hint: Chapter 23
1 Which Latin quote means don't let the bastards grind you down? Hint: Section x, Soul Scrolls.
5 Serena Joy creates a new identity for herself by discarding her old name which was what?
7 Which group is similar to undercover cops?
8 Janine or Ofwarren fulfills her identity as a handmaid by having a _______.
9 The government further takes away women's identity by obscuring their faces using _______.
10 Who wears light blue dresses?
12 Which group wears green dresses with white aprons?
13 Who wears brown kaki dresses?
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