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Imperialism Crossword Puzzle Answer

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        P A T E R N A L I S M                  
        S A M O R I T O U R E                  
            C O L O N Y                        
              I M P E R I A L I S M            
    M E N E L I K I I                          
              P R O T E C T O R A T E          
M A J I M A J I                                
              A S S I M I L A T I O N          
              S P H E R E O F I N F L U E N C E
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1 Policy that provides needs but denies rights
3 Nationalist who built a powerful Mandingo kingdom
4 Territory governed by a foreign power
5 One country wants to extend its authority
6 Emperor of Ethiopia in 1889
7 Territory under control of outside power with its own internal government
8 Magic water
9 Policy that forced French culture on conquered people
10 Outside power claims trading privileges
2 Controlled by private business interests
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