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2 ___is a 1823 statement of policy by the United States that European powers should not retake control of Latin America
3 Rifle cartridges greased with animal fat were one of the causes of the ______.
5 ____led the Rough Riders in Cuba and defeated the Spanish in the Spanish American War.
8 What ruler is sometimes called the “father of modern Egypt” due to the reforms he made?
10 As a result of the Spanish American War, the United States took control of____in SE Asia
1 In the 1900, anti-foreign sentiment in China led to an uprising know as the
4 The Platt Amendment gave the United States the right to intervene in the affairs of
6 Which African country was able to preserve its independence by defeating Italian invaders in 1896?
7 As the Boers of southern Africa migrated north, they clashed with th
9 Representative from the British parliament who administered governmental affairs in India
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