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Improving Communication Climates

                        D       A                                    
                        I R R E L E V A N T R E S P O N S E S     S  
D E F E N S I V E N E S S                                         P  
                        C O N F I R M I N G C O M M U N I C A T I O N
                        O                                         N  
                        N                                         T  
                        F A C E T H R E A T E N I N G A C T       A  
                        I                                         N  
                    V E R B A L A G G R E S S I V E N E S S       E  
                        M                                         I  
                        I M P E R V I O U S R E S P O N S E       T  
                        N                                         Y  
                        C O M M U N I C A T I O N C L I M A T E      
                      A M B I G U O U S R E S P O N S E              
                  A R G U M E N T A T I V E N E S S                  
                        C O N S E Q U E N C E S T A T E M E N T      
                        A                             M              
                        T                             P              
                      G I B B C A T E G O R I E S     A              
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3 A comment unrelated to what the other person has just said.
5 The attempt to protect a presenting image that a person believes is being attacked
6 Messages that convey valuing.
7 Messages that seem to challenge
8 The tendency to attack the self-concepts of other people in order to inflict pyschological pain.
9 Doesn’t acknowledge the other person’s message.
10 Refers to the emotional tone of a relationship.
11 A disconfirming response with more than one meaning, leaving the other party unsure of of the responder’s position
12 Presenting and defending positions on issues while attacking positions taken by others
13 Explains what happens as a result of the situation
15 Six sets of contrasting styles of verbal and nonverbal behavior. Each set describes a communication style that is likely to arouse defensiveness and a contrasting style that is likely to prevent or reduce it. D
1 A reciprocating communication pattern in which each person’s message reinforces the other’s
2 To describe those that show a lack of regard.
4 A supportive communication behavior described by Gibb in which the sender expresses a message without any attempt to manipulate the receiver
14 Accepting another’s feelings and putting yourself in another’s place
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