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IN The Heart OF The Sea Crossword Puzzle

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In the Heart of the Sea

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1 Technique the crew used to extract the oil from whales
2 Crew member that decided to sail toward South America rather than to the Society Islands
4 Island off the coast of New England which was known for whaling ports
5 The ship that rescued Pollard and Ramsdell.
6 People in Nantucket are predominately ______.
8 An area in the Pacific Ocean where the Essex sank
9 Young crew member who survived the tragedy
11 The type of whale that produced the most oil
13 Small boats used to hunt whales so that the crew could harpoon it
14 Book that was based on the Essex
1 Where to crew went when the Essex sank, Chappel, Weeks, and Wright stayed here until they were rescued
3 Captain of the Essex
7 The first crew member to die.
10 The fact that the crew avoided an island because of rumors of cannibalism is _______.
12 The whale ship that sank in 1820.
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