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Indian History

                  7           8
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2 India is known for its strict class system from rich to poor...called the __ system
3 They ruled India for decades
4 The Indian National _____ represented free Indians
5 East Pakistan is now called...
9 Civil _____ was Gandhi's method of protesting the British
11 This country broke away from India because they are mostly Islamic.
13 India is the world's largest ______. Larger than the US.
1 There are and were problems in India because of religions: There are both Hindus and ____.
4 In 1950 India wrote a ____ to make the country more like the democratic West
6 _____ Gandhi helped to make India more powerful, she was the first female leader of India
7 Jawaharlal _______ was Gandhi's associate in leading Indian Independence
8 Sri Lanka is an island that was formerly called....
10 Indira helped to develop India's ____ program
12 Mohandas _____ was known for passive resistance(protesting without fighting)
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