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Industrial Revolution Crossword Puzzle

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Industrial Revolution

                    1             2  
      8                 9            
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5 parts identical pieces that could be assembled quickly by unskilled workers
6 the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things
7 brings workers and machinery together in one place
8 the rapid manufacture of large numbers of identical objects
10 slave codes were state laws established to determine the status of slaves and the rights of their owners
11 a machine for separating the fibers of cotton from the seeds
13 large number of people leave farms to work and live in cities
14 who invest capital or money
15 the policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants
1 a system for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire
2 relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul
3 toll roads
4 extreme scarcity of food
5 gradually machines took the place of many hand tool
9 is a channel that is dug across land and filled with water
12 roads made of sawed off logs laid side by side
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