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Jamestown TO American Revolution Crossword Puzzle

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Jamestown to American Revolution

                                          1     2            
                                                    4       5
    11                       12                                
                                    17               18        
                          19     20       21   22   23            
Across Down
7 buffer between the Indians and Colonist
10 farmer revolt
12 Join, or Die
13 father of the Declaration of Independence
14 conflict with Indians in New England
15 leader of the Great Awakening
16 major battle during the American Revolution that was a turning point in the North
19 first system of government in the new world
1 King Phillip
2 first permanent settlement in the new world
3 midnight ride
4 debtor colony
5 Revivals
6 Ohio River Valley
8 established as a safe haven for Catholtics
9 last major battle of the war in which American and French troops bombarded Cornwallis
11 tobacco
17 life, liberty, property
18 Give me Liberty or Give me Death
20 1738
21 governed by scientific method and reasoning
22 people who had money to invest in new businesses
23 trade
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