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Japan Crossword Puzzle

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                              1     2    
                  3   4                  
        5   6                            
8                         9              
                            12       13    
            16                     17      
                    19   20               21
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7 What are two things that lanterns represent?
8 How many syllables are in the second line of a haiku?
10 What percent did the shogun take of the rice?
14 Who was allowed to carry the long sword?
15 How many were Samurai?
16 What was the thunder bolt?
18 The leased populated location in the region is?
22 What two classes often overlapped?
1 What is the name of the cat?
2 What do you learn to ride in elementary school?
3 What is the day called for remembering the people that died by the atom bomb?
4 The most densely populated location in the region is?
5 A mountain in Japan
6 How many syllables are in Haiku all together?
9 When did the Japanese invent lanterns?
11 How are the eggs packaged in Japan?
12 What couldn't the people leave?
13 The capital of Japan
17 What kind of name is Wabi-Sabi?
19 Why couldn't they leave?
20 Samurai: Who is the fierest swordsman the world has ever seen?
21 How many major islands does Japan consist of?
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