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John 6:25-71 Crossword Puzzle

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John 6:25-71

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2 In vs. 53, Jesus said we must drink his______________
5 The Jews began to _____________ after Jesus told them about heaven (vs.40-42)
7 According to vs.47 you must believe to get____________________ life
8 According to vs. 31, they wanted Jesus to make __________________ like their forefathers ate
9 ______________ __________________ said only Jesus had the words of eternal life (vs.67-69)
11 The people didn't come to Jesus because of his_______________ signs according to vs. 26
13 Jesus taught all of this while in the synagogue in ______________________ (vs.53-59)
1 Jesus claimed to be the bread that came from ____________ (vs.32-35)
3 Jesus called Judas the________________ in vs.68-71
4 Jesus said the bread they must eat is his__________________ (vs.49-51)
6 Jesus claimed to be the _________ _____ ____________
10 They didn't believe he was from heaven because they knew he was the son of____________
12 The people found Jesus by the_______________
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