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John The Baptist Crossword Puzzle

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John The Baptist

                                2   3      
                    5               6      
                    9         10            
        15     16                            
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3 John's mother was a relative of _____.
6 John used baptism for the forgiveness of ______.
7 John's father
8 John the Baptist did this for the people.
9 John's mother
11 John the Baptist was an itinerant ______.
12 John wanted people to live a _____ life.
13 The city where the death of John occurred.
14 John baptized using ____.
15 Christians refer to John as the _____ of Jesus.
17 River where Jesus was baptized
18 After Jesus was baptized, he saw the Spriit of God descend like a ____.
19 John's name means 'The Lord is _______'
1 The person who asked for John's head.
2 Jesus came from _____ to the River Jordan to be baptized.
3 John recognzied Jesus as the ______.
4 He baptized Jesus.
5 John said that he's the voice of one calling in the _________.
10 John's life ended when he was ________.
16 John wore clothing made of ______ hair.
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