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Kennedy And Johnson Crossword Puzzle

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Kennedy and Johnson

          3     4                                  
                6                     7            
              14           15                        
Across Down
3 program that sent volunteers to developing nations around the world
6 Divided the Gernan capital, became a somber symbol of the Cold War
7 President who was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963(last name)
8 President from 1963-1969, and pushed Americas war on poverty
9 'you have the right to remain silent....'
10 the U.S. supported attempt to overshown Fidel Castro, which was a diseaster
11 leader of Cuba during the Cuban missile Crisis (full name)
12 Kennedy's proposal to improve the economy
13 Johnsons major legislative reforms addressing poverty, education, healtcare etc.
14 Consumed most of the federal budget during Johnson's presidency, and caused massive protest
1 Provided hospital and medical insurance to Americans 65+
2 Kennedy did not have a strong ____________, or public endorsement of his proposals
4 a standoff between the U.S and the Soviet Union that brought superpower to the brink of nuclear war
5 Preschool program for low-income families
15 low cost health insurance coverage to any poor American who cannot afford private
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