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Language Features

              R E P E T I T I O N                
              E M O T I V E L A N G U A G E      
              O N O M A T O P O E I A           A
M E T A P H O R                             I   D
              I                             M   V
              C O L L O Q U I A L L A N G U A G E
              A                             G   R
      S I M I L E                           E   B
              Q                             R    
              U                             Y    
            P E R S O N I F I C A T I O N        
    A D J E C T I V E                            
  H Y P E R B O L E                              
              S T A T I S T I C S                
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1 Repeating words for effect
2 Words used to evoke emotions
3 Words that sound like their descriptions, eg. bang
5 Drawing parallels or comparisons between unrelated or dissimilar things
7 Informal language, including slang
8 When two things are compared using 'as' or 'like'
9 Attaching human attributes to inanimate objects, phenomena and animals
10 A word naming an attribute of a noun, e.g. green
11 Exaggerated language
12 Factual data often used in a persuasive way
1 Questions that do not require an answer
4 A word or phrase that gives more information about a verb, e.g. gently
6 A visual image painted in the reader's mind from text read
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