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Latin American Independence

                      C         D      
                      R     B   O      
              S L A V E     O   L      
                      O     L   O      
                      L     I   R      
                      E     V   E      
            P E N I N S U L A R S      
              N             R          
P O R T U G A L                        
              I M P E R I A L I S M    
    F R E N C H                        
              T               S P A I N
            M E S T I Z O S     E      
              N                 T      
              M E R C A N T I L I S M  
    F R A N C E                 T      
              N   P             I      
      M U L A T T O S           O      
                  V             N      
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4 Toussaint L'Ouverture led this type of revolt in Haiti
5 Social class of those born in Europe
7 This country ruled Brazil before they gained independence
8 Process of taking over a territory to further a country's power and wealth
9 This European revolution sparked was an inspiration for the push for independence in Latin America
10 Country who ruled Mexico, Venezuela, Peru and other territories before they gained independence
12 Social class of mixed European and Indian heritage in Latin America
13 Economic system of extracting raw goods from a colony and selling finished goods back to them, ensuring a market for your nation
14 Country who ruled Haiti before they gained indepedence
16 Social class of mixed European and African heritage in Latin America
1 Social class of Europeans born in Latin America
2 Very poor town where Padre Miguel Hidalgo was a priest
3 Wealthy creole, nicknamed 'The Liberator'
6 This European school of thought inspired the Latin American independence movement (Hint: it included Voltaire and Locke)
11 Brazilians signed this, asking the king's son for their independence
15 This increased in the immediate aftermath of Latin America gaining independence
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