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Letters Home From Yosemite Crossword Puzzle

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Letters Home from Yosemite

      5         6                        
                    10             11      
                16               17        
Across Down
6 Able to have a strong effect on the mind or feelings
7 Wild, uncultivated region with few or no people living in it
8 This person makes a study of living things
12 A violent shaking or shifting motion of the ground
14 These happen when one thing bursts out of another thing
15 Large, reddish deer that have thin antlers
16 Hot, melted rock that flows out of a volcano
17 Hot fluid that is found inside the Earth's crust
1 This includes plants and animals that live and grow in nature
2 Lines, surfaces, or land that goes up or down at an angle
3 Related living things that all have certain characteristics
4 Flowering plants that grow in woods or fields
5 An opening in the Earth's crust where lava flows out
9 A great mass of ice that moves very slowly down a mountain, along a valley, or over a land area
10 This is the same as protecting something, or keeping it safe from harm or change
11 This type of tree is very large and can be found in California
13 Hot spring of water that shoots into the sky
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