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Light Breed Horses Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Light Breed Horses

                  M           I                    
                  O           P                    
                  R           P                    
                  G           I                    
                  A           Z               A    
                  N A T I O N A L S H O W H O R S E
                    M         N               A    
                    E                         B    
              Q U A R T E R H O R S E         I    
                    I                         A    
                    C                         N    
                    S T A N D A R D H O R S E      
                    D O N                          
          A K A H A L T E K E                      
                    B A S H K I R C U R L Y        
T H O R O U G H B R E D                            
Across Down
4 This horse was made for a better show horse in 1981
6 This horse was the first all-American breed
7 This horse has two types a trotter and a pacer
8 This horse is part of the Russian Federation
9 This horse is long and lean and is a race horse
10 This horse has a curly mane and tail
11 This horse came from the Untied Kingdom
1 This horse came from Slovenia, Austria
2 The first owner of this horse was Thomas Morgan
3 This horse is the purest and most ancient
5 This horse has two branches the show and utility
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