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Lightning Thief 1 Crossword Puzzle

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Lightning Thief 1

                    2         3         4                      
                                    5         6                
              9                             10                  
          13           14                             15          
          16       17                           18                
      20                 21                                      
                          25 26   27     28                        
                30                   31                          
Across Down
2 when day and night equal 12 hours each
6 annoying or offensive
7 causing much pain
9 not looking forward to
10 turned into a gas
12 seeing something that is not really there
16 without knowledge
18 believed it to be true
19 set on doing something
20 open a little
21 sadly
23 a small gentle stream
24 having ones attention turned to something elsew
25 making a motion
29 a msile where you are full of yourself
30 spoken softly making it difficult to hear
31 sadly
1 very skinny
3 easily annoued
4 to be successful
5 a period of time to try to show that a person can behave
6 once in a while
8 cheerful
9 bound to happen
11 listening secretly to a conversation
13 very unhappy
14 to be jealous
15 sudden move forward
17 finished
22 can't hold still
26 kicked out
27 moving suddenly
28 lives forever; cannot die
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