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Lingo OF The 1920's. Crossword Puzzle

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Lingo Of The 1920's.

                  2           3              
      6       7                              
    12                         13              
          15                       16          
        17               18                    
Across Down
4 Action after you drink to much giggle water.(upchuck)
6 Al Capone was the --- -------- of a gang.(big cheese)
8 Rich people dress this way.(spiffy)
9 Dancer in a blind pig.(hoofer)
10 You are this when you drink some hooch.(splifficated)
11 If the big cheese is boring he is a ----- -----.(flat tire)
12 You can find this in a blind pig.(giggle water)
13 A beautiful flapper.(Sheba)
15 If you have a cruch on somebody you would say they are the ----- -----.(Cats meow)
16 Blind pigs looked this way.(swanky)
17 If you say to a dumb dora she has nice eyes. You just used a ------.(line)
19 When your mom says she is Amilia Airheart people say,'applesause. You aren't the---- --------.(real McCoy)
1 A snobish person that dresses spiffy.(high hat)
2 If you got attaked by one of Al's boys you will get punched in the ----------.(kisser)
3 Not smart Sheba.(dumb dora)
5 Machine that makes giggle water.(gin mill)
7 If you said you were going to bump off somebody I'd say that is a load of ------- ---------.(horse feathers)
8 A place to get hooch and ossified.(speak easy)
14 Al Capone the big cheese did this to alot of people.(bump off)
18 People would do this if some gate crashers came.(scram)
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