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Living Things Crossword Puzzle

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Living Things

                          2     3        
        4           5                    
6               7                        
          10                       11      
      14         15     16                  
Across Down
6 a jellylike substance that fills most of the space in a cell
9 the thin layer that encloses and gives shape to a cell
10 a part of a of a plant that contains chlorophyll, the green pigment plants need to make their food
11 a common type of fungi that often llok woolly or cottony
12 an animal with a backbone
13 an invetebrate with legs that have several joints
15 an animal without a backbone
17 a cell's control center
1 the part of a flowering plant that surrounds and protects the seeds
2 densely packed threadlike parts of a fungus
3 reproductive structure in flowering plants
4 a tiny cell that ferns and fungi use to reproduce
5 the basic building block of life
7 organisms that are so small they can only be seen with a microscope
8 a structure that keeps a cell rigid and provides support to an entire plant
14 living things that look like plants but cannot make their own food
16 a young plant
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