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Lymphatic System Crossword Puzzle

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Lymphatic System

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1 body system that fights infection and foreign matter to prevent illness and protect against disease
2 organ that destroys old erythrocytes,and leukocytes and stores new erythrocytes
3 returns lymph and cholesterol to circulation from the left head, face, arm chest and rest of body via the left subclavian vein
4 sac located in the thoracic duct that stores and returns cholesterol to the blood
5 Located in the villi of the stomach to filter out fats
6 pinhead to almond sized filtering collections within the lymphatic system
7 duct that returns lymph from the right arm, shoulder, chest, right side of the face and head
10 filtering glands of the lymphatic system, consists of the palatine, pharyngeal, and lingual
1 open ended funnel shaped vessels that collect fluid from the tissues and capillaries
8 watery fluid found in the lymphatic vessels
9 gland that atrophies after puberty, also part of the endocrine system
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