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Macbeth Crossword Puzzle Answer

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                      C     M                      
                      O     A   M                  
                      T     C   A                  
                      L     B   L                  
                  H E A D   E   C   F I F E        
                S     N     T   O     V            
              B L O O D Y C H I L D   E            
                E               M   T R A G I C    
              C E A S A R E A N       N           T
    B           P                     E           H
    A           W E I R D S I S T E R S           R
    N     B     A                     S U I C I D E
    Q     E     L A D Y M A C B E T H             E
    U     L     K       A   A       E              
  D O N A L B A I N     C   U       C              
                N       D   L       C              
C A M O U F L A G E     U   D       A              
    A     L             F   R       T              
    N     E             F   O     S E V E N        
        D A G G E R         N                      
  D A M N E D                                      
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4 Macduff presents this to Malcolm
5 Macduff is the Thane of this region
8 The second apparition
9 Macbeth's character is considered a ___________ hero
10 Macduff's birth
13 AKA the Three Witches
15 Lady Macbeth's death
16 The main villian of the play
20 Younger brother of _________________
21 How the Birnam Forest comes to Dunsinane
24 Number of people Macbeth is responsible for killing in the play
25 Weapon used to kill Duncan
26 'Out ___________ spot! Out, I say' (Lady Macbeth)
1 The country that Duncan rules
2 Who was the Thane of Glamis
3 Heir to the throne of Scotland
6 Location of Macbeth's castle
7 Nocturnal activity of a guilty queen
11 Number of apparitions that are shown to Macbeth
12 Ghost that haunts Macbeth
14 Signal to begin a murder
17 'My voice is in my sword, thou bloodier villain than terms can give me out' (________)
18 'Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn and __________ bubble' (Weird Sisters)
19 Head witch/Goddess of witchcraft
22 What Lady Macbeth wishes she was
23 Escaped Macbeth's assassins
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