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L             T                        
E             L           M            
G     C O M P A S S R O S E            
E     A       S           R            
N     R                   I            
D I S T O R T I O N       D   S        
      O                   I   C        
L O N G I T U D E       P A R A L L E L
      R                   N   L        
    L A T I T U D E           E        
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4 a design on a map that shows direction
5 the misrepresentation of area, shape, or distance when making a globe into a map
7 the angular distance east or west from the Prime Meridian
8 a line on a map that represents an imaginary east-west circle drawn on the Earth
9 the angular distance north or south from the equator to a particular location
1 A book containing maps and charts
2 a small table accompanying the map that explains the symbols that are used on the map
3 line on a map that represents an imaginary north-south circle drawn on the Earth
4 the study and the construction of maps
6 the ratio between the distance between two points found on the map as compared to the actual distance between these points in the real world
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