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Masons Crusade Crossword Puzzle

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Masons Crusade

                                1   2              
4               5                                  
              10                         11          
                                  12         13      
            16   17                                  
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4 A body of law that has developed from custom and from judges' decisions rather than laws passed by a law-making assembly
6 A church court designed to investigate and judge heretics
7 An assembly of representatives who make laws
8 Refers to a court orderto beingan arrested person before a judge or court
9 To exclude someone from a church or a religious community
10 A monk named hildebrand
14 A christian religious war
15 The holy roman emporer that reacted to Gregory's new rules
17 The movement to drive the muslims from spain.
18 A crowning ceremony
1 Chlarmagnes important visitor
2 husband of isabella
3 A descendant of william the conqueror
5 Willif normandy
7 A religious person who travels to a holy place or shrine
11 Wife of ferdinand
12 A court order
13 A belief that is rejected by official church doctrine
16 A nonchurch
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