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        2                   3  
9                             10
              11   12            
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4 The answer to an addition problem.
6 made up or involving more than one.
7 Mathematics, a numeral or symbol placed at the upper right side of another numeral or symbol to indicate the number of times it is to be multiplied by itself.
8 A mathematical statement.
9 An answer to a math problem.
11 A number that can be divided with more than just one and itself.
13 To determine the meaning.
14 happening or appearing more than once.
15 A number that is divisable by one and itself.
16 To find the solution to a problem.
1 Any of the numbers of algebraic expressions that when multiplied together form a product.
2 A number or algebraic expression obtained multiplication.
3 A number or algebraic expression obtained by dividing one number or algebraic expression.
5 The amount one quantanty is greater or less.
10 Order of operations
12 To learn by heart, commit to memory.
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