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Math Terms

      1 2                          
5                       6          
      11                     12      
                13       14          
    16           17                  
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1 survey of the population
4 polygon with eight sides
5 the size of a figure in relation to the original object
8 organized collection of information
10 three-dimenional object with two parallel circular bases
12 to add two or more numbers together
13 a value calculated from a set of data
16 the distance from one side of the circle to the other
18 space covered by a two-dimensional shape
19 prism with six congruent square faces
20 comparison of quantities measured in the same units
2 the use of a raised number to note repeated multiplication
3 flat or curver surface of a three-dimenional object
6 a point at which two or more edges of a figure meet
7 total distance around outside of a figure
9 the product of a given number and a natural number
11 to provide evidence to support a statement
14 a number in a list
15 way to remember the order of operations
17 where two faces of a three-dimensional object meet
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