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Math Vocabulary

8                                         9    
              11               12               13
Across Down
1 the opposite of a number
2 the result when one number is subtracted from another
3 the distance of a number from zero on a number line
4 a mathematical phrase that contains operations, numbers and/or variables
5 two numbers that are equal distance from zero on a number line
6 to find the value of a numerical or algebraic expression
7 replacement of a variable with a number or another expression in an algebraic equation
8 set of whole numbers and their opposites
11 a rule for evaluating expressions
14 a mathematical sentence that shows that two expressions are equivalent
1 an expression that contains at least one variable
9 the result when one number is divided by another
10 a symbol used to represent a quantity that can change
12 the result when two or more numbers are multiplied
13 the result when two or more numbers are added
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