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Math vocabulary

        2         3                           4      
                  17                         18        
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2 a possible result in a probability experiment
6 the result of dividing a given quantity into 1
7 a decimal that is a finite number of digits.
8 the ratio of the circle's circumference to its diameter. Pi is approximately equal to 3.14
9 the study of likelihood or chance that discribes the chances of an event occurring
10 an event in which the outcome does not influence the outcome of other events
11 a number's distance from zero on the number line
12 a statement that two ratios are equal
13 a group of happenings, each of which affects the probability of the occurrence of the others
14 the middle number in an ordered set of numbers
15 a letter or other symbol that represents a number or set of numbers in an expression or an equation
16 in statistics, the difference between the largest and the smallest values in a sample
17 a decimal in which a digit or a set of digits repeat infinitely
19 the horizontal reference line in the coordinate graph
20 equal in value
1 a set of all whole numbers and their additive inverses
3 the number for any given number that will yeild 1 when the two are multiplied, same as resiprocal
4 the vertical reference line in the coordinate graph
5 the quotient obtained when the sum of the numbers in a set is divided by the number of addends
18 the number or element that occurs most fequently in a set of data
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