forbids broadcasters from instituting an across the board policy that denies all candidates for ferdal office the opportunity to use the station to further a political campaign
Separating the jury from the community during a trial at a hotel members required to eat together keep jurors away from others
Delay of a trial or hearing time passes people will forget some of the pretrial coverage defendant has to sacrifice righ to a speedy trial
Moving a trial to a distant community in order to find jurors who have not read or viewed prejudicial publicity about the defendant
The body of law that protects the works created by writers, painters, photographers, performing artists, inventors and others who create intangible property
free from the dominant influence of knowledge acquired outside the courtroom
Imitation of style of writer, artist, photographer, etc., with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect
Policy introduced by the FCC in 1949 required the holders of broadcast licenses to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was honest equitable and balanced
deals only with political candidates
An order issued by a government agency reequring that a particular practice such as a certain ad be stopped
Safe Harbor refers to the time period between 10p.m and 6a.m during which a station may air indecent and or profane material
FTC ruke that requires advetiser to prove the truth of claims made about a product or service back up the claims in ads utilizing expert testimony extrinsic evidence tests studies