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Medieval Crossword Crossword Puzzle

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Medieval Crossword

                5                     6   7      
8                           9                    
                10                 11              
                16       17   18                    
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3 stone arches
4 a school for advanced learning
5 the concept that there is universal order that can guide moral thinking
8 a solemn rite of christian churches
10 to formally deprive a person of membership in a church
12 a large and important church
13 a community of monks
15 a brotherhood or sisterhood of monks, nuns, or friars
16 a journey to a holy site
19 a community of nuns; also called a nunnery
20 tax
1 a member of a certain religious order devote to teachings and works of charity
2 a hand written book decorated with bright colors and precious metal
6 the study of persuasive writing and speaking
7 the study of God and religious truth
9 a women who has taken a scared vow to devote her life to prayer and service in a church
11 the body of people such as priest, who perform sacred functions of a church
14 to cause a person to suffer because of his or her beliefs
17 a object considered holy because it belonged to or was touched by a saint or other holy person
18 a man who has taken a solemn vow to devote his life to prayer and service to a monastery
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