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Medieval Period Crossword Puzzle

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Medieval Period

                    2       3           4      
                            6               7  
          14                           15        
            17                       18          
          20           21   22   23                
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2 Money or wealth used to invest in a business or enterprise
4 In medieval Europe, an estate granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for service and loyalty
5 Body of laws of a church
6 Loosely organized system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military support and other support to a greater lord.
8 Code of Conduct for knights during the middle Ages
10 The claim of medieval Popes that they had authority over all secular rulers
11 Rules drawn up in 530 by Benedict a monk, regulating monastic life. The rule emphasizes obedience, poverty, and chastity and divides the day into periods of worship, work, and study
12 Exchange of pledges between lords and vassals
13 Battle in 732 in which Christian Franks led by Charles Martel defeated Muslim armies and stopped the Muslims advance into Europe
16 Exclusion from the Roman Catholic Church as a penalty for refusing to obey church law
17 A salaried worker employed by a guild master
18 Germanic tribe that conquered present day France and neighboring lands in the 400's
20 Railed Frankish warriors
24 In medieval Europe, a lord who was granted land in exchange for service and loyalty to a greater lord
25 In the middle ages, a written document that sets out the rights and privileges of a town
26 Having to do with worldly, rather than religious matters
1 Guild In the Middle Ages, an association of merchants or artisans who cooperated to uphold standards of their trade and protect their economic interest
3 Someone who would pay rent to a lord to farm part of the lords land
4 Medieval European monk who traveled from place to place preaching to the poor
7 During the middle ages, a lord’s estate that included one or more villages and the surrounding land
9 Italian Catholic Friar and preacher
14 An peasant bound to the lord’s land
15 In the Roman Catholic Church, excommunication of a an entire region, town, or kingdom
19 King who established one of the many Germanic kingdoms that replaced the unifying force of the Roman Empire in Western Europe.
20 King of Franks who united most of Western Europe during the early middle Ages and laid the foundation for modern Germany and France.
21 Sacred ritual of the Roman Catholic Church
22 A young person learning a trade from a master
23 A wondering poet or singer of medieval Europe
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